VEDIC COSMOS – Yogasutras of Patanjali A6 (147X103MM)


Maharishi Patanjali stands out as one of the mightiest trees of wisdom to have emerged from the fertile soil of ancient India’s traditions. His teachings on Yoga contributed to the purification of the mind, his work on grammar to the purification of speech and his work on medicine to the purification of the body.

  • Yoga is the most ancient science which has been taught for thousands of years. Maharishi Patanjali systematised and organised it by formulating 196 aphorisms, which are called the Yoga-Sutras.The Yoga-Sutras of Patanjali is a magnificent text of immense historical value. It describes the power of the human mind when it has achieved complete stillness.
9.8 × 44.2 × 28.35 in


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