

Surya is the prime member of the Navagraha (nine planets). It is the major source of life for all creatures. According to science.

Suryadev, He is considered the creator of the universe and the source of all life. He is the supreme soul who brings light and warmth to the world. Each day he travels across the sky in his golden chariot pulled by seven horses and driven by red Aruna.

Lord Suryadev is also universally referred to as the Sun. According to the Vedas, he is one of 33 sons of Goddess Aditi, He is also known as Aditya.

Surya, the Sun, is the symbol of immense light and wisdom. Hence, he is one of the most revered Gods for Hindus.

Popular Names of Lord Suryadev

  1. Mitraya – The friend of all
  2. Ravaya – Praised by All
  3. Suryaya – The Guide of all
  4. Bhanave – The Bestower of Beauty
  5. Khagaya – Simulator of Senses
  6. Pushne – The Nourisher of All
  7. Hiranyagarbhaya – The Creator
  8. Marichaya – The destroyer of diseases
  9. Adityaya – The Inspirer
  10. Savitre – The purifier
  11. Arkaya – The Radiant
  12. Bhaskaraya – The Illuminator

Surya is the prime member of the Navagraha (nine planets). It is the major source of life for all creatures. According to science, the whole bio-diversity is based on photosynthesis, which is only possible due to the existence of Surya (The Sun). Lord Surya is considered as the evident God as it could be seen every day with bare eyes. Although Suryadev rarely has a distinct temple of himself, small images and statues of the Sun God can be seen in many temples and other Gods.

0.550 kg

4.2×2.7×2.5" Inch

