


Madhvacharya could be treated as the third philosopher who introduced a balance between these two extreme positions in Indian philosophy viz. Advaita and Vishishtadvaita.

Madhvacharya Idol, Madhvacharya could be treated as the third philosopher who introduced a balance between these two extreme positions in Indian philosophy viz. Advaita and Vishishtadvaita.

Madhvacarya was born in 1238 AD to a Brahmin Family in Karnataka State. His father name was Naddantillaya and Mother Vedavati and the family follow the Vaishnavite Brahmin traditions. At first, he was named as Vasudeva later famous as Purnaprajana and finally Madhvacarya.

He founded a Dvaita School of Vedanta and called the philosophy as ?Tattvavada?. Madhvacharya studied the Hindu Philosophy thoroughly and wrote his ideas with different aspects. He also deeply studied the Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads and Brahman Sutras. His analysis on these holy books written in the Sanskrit Language as 37 books. These books are famous as Anuvyakhyana, which was composed in poetic version. His devotees believe him, he was the incarnation of Veda Vyasa.

He established mathas in varies places in Udupi and famous as Udupi ashta mathas. Another 24 mathas also established throughout India.

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